From Broke to Blessed: 10 Top Tips to Financial Freedom: Dr. Julianne Malveaux requested everyone to learn the rules and play the game, Broke are you? Here are some tips Malveaux gave:
1. Claim it Now a. How much money can you put your hands on now?
b. Do you budget?
2. Stop charging, Stop shopping a. Is shopping your favorite past time?
b. What are we shopping for?
c. Austerity Budget- just say you haven’t got it.
3. Start the repair process-pay down your debt a. Disposable income not for disposable stuff (food)
4. Change the equation a. Spend less
b. Earn more
c. Can you work a side job/gig
d. Can you work overtime
5. Cultivate a saving habit a. 10% God
b. 10% Charity
c. 10% Yourself
6. Claim Ownership a. Home
b. Business
c. Stocks
7. Develop a plan and count your blessings a. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail